Have you ever been haunted by a knife-like pain down your leg? Not just down your leg but in every aspect of your life. Making the simplest of tasks, like putting your socks on, impossible.
Imagine a pain that shadows you from the moment you get up and even haunts you at night, stopping you from sleeping.
You are not alone. Nearly half of us have suffered this at some time in our lives.

To learn more about sciatica and how to treat it, read on

It’s called sciatica and its root cause is a modern lifestyle of poor posture and weak muscles.
The videos explain what sciatic is and how the structure of the spine is vulnerable.
The sciatic nerve is a big nerve running from the back to the feet. Nerves, any nerves in your body in fact, don’t like to be squeezed and tell you quickly about this by causing pain. Typical causes of nerve compression are:

• Spinal discs act as cushions between the bony vertebrae, allowing movement and keeping the discs nicely spaced apart, allowing nerves to move freely and without pain. If those discs get compressed sufficiently, nerve compression and pain can result.
• Powerful back muscles can react to this nerve compression and go into spasm, increasing nerve compression and pain.
• Each pair of spinal vertebrae have joints between them to help control movement, called facet joints. These joints get worn with age and trauma and can eventually cause further nerve irritation.
• Our bodies are covered in a layer of connective tissue below the skin (imagine bubble wrap) and this tissue can become less flexible as we age, also leading to possible nerve irritation.

These underlying causes are nearly always quickly reversible with the correct lifestyle adjustments, adherence to exercise prescriptions and hands on physiotherapy. In more severe chronic cases, especially with locked in muscle spasm, specific dry needling may be required. There’s no one size fits all solution. A thorough assessment and treatment plan will be the most effective and fastest solution.

If your physiotherapist has any concerns, she or he can touch base with your doctor for bloods, x-rays or a scan.
Off the shelf pain meds, like anti-inflammatory with paracetamol can help. Your pharmacist can advise if its safe for you to take them with preexisting conditions or other meds.

or call 01889 881488

Jean, Erica & Charlotte will be happy to help

Breaking Point

Breaking Point is my sixth book, currently being written and hopefully in the shops by autumn. It’s atransformational fiction – solving & healing a spiritual murder mystery.

This story embarks on a journey of discovery, revealing how hidden traumas lodged deep within the body can be unearthed and transformed through innovative treatments.

Drawing upon the wisdom of over 100,000 orthodox treatments, this narrative entwines a spiritual essence, sharing my unique perspective on healing.

Through the compelling lives of fictional characters, I explain the process of identifying and addressing the root cause of your pain points with this distinctive healing approach.

I also have a book group on my Facebook pagewhere I release early drafts of ‘Breaking Point’ to seek constructive input. If you feel you would like to contribute and join my group, go to Facebook and search for ‘Nicky Snazell’ then request being a friend. Once you are accepted, you can ask to join the group.

If you would like to read the prologue to ‘Breaking Point’ then read on.

Breaking Point Prologue

Dear Reader,

Imagine you and I have time travelled together. We are standing together in the most beautiful garden on a balmy summers day, rose borders as far as the eye can see. The most immaculately trimmed lawns. Breathtaking old trees creaking in a gentle breeze, emitting wispy shadows as the sun weaves through the leaves. Gnarled, majestic Oaks to regal Ashes to elegant Silver Birch. In the near distance an iridescent lake with a shimmering green blue hue. It seemed to be a balmy early summer kind of day with fluffy white clouds and the sun shining through. I look down to see I am wearing a very pretty but faded long grey dress, a beautifully ironed crispy white apron with lace around the edges and old scuffed shoes.

You’ve noticed your clothes have changed too, haven’t you?

There is a rug spread out on the lawn and on it a simple basket full of sandwiches, cakes and homemade lemonade. There are three children close by. I know them as mine. Edward, my youngest at six, is playing with his box of alphabet bricks and chuckling to himself. Despite his health issues and missing a lot of school, he keeps learning as we teach him at home with the help of Nanny Nicole and Lady Jane, while I am kept busy housekeeping and cooking.

Edward loves playing and giggling with little Miss Penelope and she will be carried across soon to crawl on his rug to fill our day with joy.

His handsome father, Gwyn, the butler, ensures both his and Edwards little heart remains strong, swimming daily in the stately home pool. Sadly they share the same weak heart condition, caused by a genetic problem but also having personality’s overspilling with joy and loving kindness.

The sun is shining off Ted’s golden locks and I smiled at his little suntanned knees messing up his hidden slice of cake. I can hear the thump of a ball being thrown between his taller, short tempered and clever older brother John, who is ten and his strong minded but caring freckled- faced older sister Dorothy, who is eight. She attends the local school and helps with the chores. John is quite a handful and clearly getting irritated at his sister’s poor attempts at catching. He struggles to entertain his younger sister and brother but shines in his own right, bound for a successful career with his brilliant mind and boarding school education. Lord Charles is very kindly sending our eldest John to boarding school to gain a superb education. I am very proud.

As I look down, I see that Edward had mis-spelt  ‘lof u’ with his wooden blocks. I spell it out again, ‘I love you too.’

Dear Reader, could you ask John and Dot to keep an eye on Ted as Nanny hasn’t arrived yet and I need a rest before I return to the house to prepare the vegetables for dinner and serve the family afternoon tea and cakes.

I stretch out, loosen my large white apron and have a snooze in the suns warm rays.

My rest is shattered, I awake to the screech of brakes and a tragic scene before my eyes. It feels as if everything has shifted, changed. I sense a deep fear, a dreadful rolling sensation in my stomach.

Ahead of me, I see a still, lifeless little boy, my Edward, just by the bend in the road which weaves  down from the elegant stately home. No, no, no I scream. My beautiful child, I love him more than life itself. As I run to his motionless, still body I tell myself he that he must be asleep and he will wake up. My boy, my loving kind gentle, six year oldangel. His familiar little pale arms, outstretched. His curly, soft blonde hair and innocent cherub face with such long eyelashes over his closed eyes.

I had constantly dreaded the day he may collapse due to his heart condition, but nothing had prepared me for this.

Reader, can I take your hand for strength. Can you see this aura of blinding golden light around Edward?

I look down on his long dirty white socks, clean on this morning, his favourite little scruffy shirt, his torn teddy bear and his wooden cubes scattered.

There is something hauntingly familiar about this scene. As if I have been here before.

I know he’s not just asleep, a mother knows when her child is not breathing and dead. Yet I do not feel disconnected, as his shimmering soul is still here.

In my head I hear the words; “Mummy I can’t leave you.”

I'm suddenly aware of distant urgent shouts. I glance across towards the lake, as the dream shifts to a shimmering old vintage car, an exquisite red. I feel myself floating towards the car and as I get closer, I can see the water is starting to rise up inside the car. Fortunately, the car is not deep in the water but only three figures appear to be moving. Lady Jane, Lord James and Lord Charles, all screaming and crashing around as Lord James got his shoulder against the windscreen. Something feels very wrong, I can’tsense the presence of my Gwyn. I get closer, I gasp and tighten my grip on your hand, as I see that the driver, my darling husband, my soul mate, is slumped over the wheel echoing the stillness of our son.

I want to scream but there’s no voice inside me.

My children John and Dorothy were already by the car. The gardener, cap in hand, running in wellies, just shouts at me in terror.

I hear Dorothy start to scream as she spots her father.

I look around and the prettiest petit lady, Nicole, wearing her Nannies uniform and again an old fashioned starched white apron, runs towards me saying hold Penny, Lady Janes daughter. This toddler in a beautiful white dress and ringlets adores Edward. Nicole is sobbing as she rushes back to Ted’s lifeless body.

 As I turn around to glance through tears at my tiny boy, hugging Penny tight, I see that a shimmering light surrounds him and is glowing brighter, an amazing golden glow. It stays there, then a ghost like image of my little body sits up and his cherub like, tear stained face looks towards me and says you're next.

You too will be killed Mummy unless I stay with you and together we can save another soul. I will protect you, for I’m your guardian Angel and will always be in your heart, never far away and I shall pass over with you into your next life.

I see this glow, this faint outline of my son, move over me and in me and I feel a deep sense of love and connection. The sense of deep loss goes. Just the grief for his physical presence remains as a dagger like pain. I feel his protection, love, and an eternal bond that transcends physical existence.

I wake up and I'm back in my bedroom again in 2024, damp with perspiration, bed clothes on the floor, my eyes wet with tears and my throat dry from screaming.

It’s nothing new to me to have dreams about past lives, but this recent reoccurring dream is now every night. It is getting tedious.

I know something is a foot.

Do you ever dream like this dear reader?

Can you join me in unravelling this mystery of who took the lives of this son and father and who now threatens mine?

If I may ask, are you happy to help me with this dilemma?

Would you come on a healing journey with me, to peer through the lens of my characters?

I was born with a secret gift beyond healing, a kind of telepathy that connects me to those both present and past, or rather passed. A sixth sense. At times conveying strong messages through dreams and visions.

I must say, I have never had such a repetitive dream. I was nearly reaching breaking point, on the brink of despair with this unrelenting nightmare returning night after night. Especially at such a profoundly inconvenient time, as I had been writing a book about the ramifications of the Pandemic and the surge for virtual medical consults.  It appears destinyhad spoken and told me to rip that book up and rewrite a new version. The universe had chosen a different narrative for me to explore with you. It seems I am to write a different book so I must trust the time must be right to do this.

Blackie, my rescue cat was visibly irked. As a streetwise cat, he saw me as a soft touch, perceiving my soft hearted nature and had soon exchanged my heated greenhouse with its cozy cat basket for the house and bed.

His sleep had been disturbed yet again and he needed to express his frustration, so he scratched up the bed and carpet again.

Then went straight under the duvet.

I gave myself a shake which sent Blackie flying into an unintended orbit. I told myself to get a grip, to get showered, grab a cup of earl grey tea and get to my clinic, as there would be a list of folks waiting for me with hidden pain to seek out and kill.

or call 01889 881488

Jean, Erica & Charlotte will be happy to help

Radial shockwave provides a non-invasive gentle treatment, designed to alleviate pain and speed up recovery from injury. Despite what the name might suggest, it does not involve any kind of electrical shock treatment. Instead, it sends low energy pressure waves into damaged tissues to stimulate the body’s natural repair process, speeding up recovery and reducing inflammation.

A common concern is that treatment will be painful and the answer is reassuringly no. In fact, most clients describe the sensation as being similar to a gentle tapping on the skin. 

This non-invasive treatment is very effective in treating problems such as:

  • Plantar Fasciitis
  • Calcified tendonitis
  • Chronic tendon problems (tendinopathies)
    - Achilles
    - Knee
    - Elbow
    - Shoulder
  • Muscle tightness
    - Legs
    - Buttocks
    - Spine
    - Arms


We have made shockwave a standard part of the treatment we offer and have kept to our ethos of providing the best value treatment we could by providing shockwave at no extra charge.  This is something we still do today and our clients love the fact that is an integral part of our hands on treatment capability. 

or call 01889 881488

Committed to provide the best treatment value to you

Our clients love shockwave and we also found that they liked a device called a V-ACTOR, which is a very powerful vibrational therapy tool, the power coming from the shockwave internals. Understandably our V-ACTOR has been sought after but only having one on site has restricted access at times.

Our major focus, however, has been on the shockwave treatment and over the years as demand grew we added more shockwave machines, eventually having four. 

Top Quality Treatment. Available to you at no extra cost


But our ethos remains the same – we want to provide the best treatment we can and that means the best hands on treatment, and for us that has to include both shockwave and vibrational therapy. Thus, we have taken the decision to add two more high quality shockwaves and both include the much loved V-ACTOR vibrational therapy.  They are already on site and are available to you at no extra cost should you need it.

Having six shockwaves on site is perhaps a sign of our commitment to provide the best treatment value to you.

Jean, Erica & Charlotte will be happy to help

or call 01889 881488

You may have heard of gait analysis, you may even have visited your local running shop and had someone check your running out before buying the latest running shoe, but not all running gait analysis is equal and here’s why!

What if I told you that gait analysis is about more than just pronation and supination of the foot! 

It's quite a bit more in fact.

or call 01889 881488

Footwear can play a big role in how your body reacts to the forces of running, but researchers have shown that some of the biggest injury risk factors are linked to your running form.

Footscan plantar pressure data

Understanding your gait for analysis

Improving your running form takes a rigorous process looking at the movements of the entire body. Our biomechanics team use `video gait analysis combined with industry leading Footscan plantar pressure data to distinguish between normal and pathological gait. This technology has been utilised in more than 3,000 scientific studies, trusted by state-of-the-art movement labs and elite sports teams worldwide.

It can also help us to make informed decisions on how best to manage your injury, be it through bespoke rehabilitation plans, running technique and coaching advice or custom orthoses

Using Footscan we can design bespoke orthoses to aid with injury rehabilitation and performance, the same ones used by countless elite marathoners and footballers, should there be a need for them.

Aside from injury management, we also use our gait lab to help assess running technique with a view to improving running economy and performance. We can even predict overuse injury risk which is a leading cause of injuries in runners and military personnel.


From the moment you contact the ground to the moment you push off, your stride pattern speaks volumes about your injury risk and running economy, as such by analysing movement patterns and detailed data about your gait biomechanics we can really start to understand a lot more about how you could potentially move more efficiently and improve your running economy.

So, whether you are training for a marathon, or embarking on your couch to 5k this spring, we can help you solve those niggling injuries, or even unpick the lock to your next personal best!

We can help

or call 01889 881488

Nicky Snazell Clinic, which has been providing biomechanical analysis for a few years, has stepped up to a higher level and introduced a new arm to it’s already formidable capability.

We introduce the Chase Run Lab.


Providing you with access to highly qualified therapists who really understand gait and biomechanics.  Supported by Footscan technology, we can provide you with a detailed understanding of your current problems and how to improve. If you want to reduce pain and the risk of injury, we can help.


Most running injuries are caused by chronic overload, which will eventually lead to recurring pain and an increased risk of injury which ends up with you having to restrict or even stop your running.

We provide expert knowledge from therapists who have worked extensively with all types of runners, from casual to elite. This requires a detailed understanding of how to diagnose your current running technique including

  • 2D Gait Analysis
  • Stride patterns
  • Running form
  • Impulse pressure
  • Ground contact time
  • Posture
  • Strength assessment
  • Pelvis biomechanics

We have upgraded our treadmill and added Footscan technology and moved to providing Phits orthotics, the worlds first 3D printed orthotics. 

Or call 01889 881488

Who would benefit from our help?

We can provide expert Gait Analysis and help those 

  • wanting to prepare properly for an upcoming marathon
  • who suffer recurring injury problems
  • want to improve their running technique and efficiency
  • wanting to prepare for a specific goal. 


You don’t have to be a runner to obtain big benefits. It applies equally to many sports, including those that don’t even involve running:


  • Football
  • Rugby
  • Hockey
  • Racquet sports
  • Golf
  • Walking


Once we have you properly assessed we will provide you with a personal report along with our advice on the best course of action, whatever your needs.


Our advice might be a need for physiotherapy to correct any underlying causal factors, such as incorrect pelvis function, or muscle tightness caused by neurological issues. It may also suggest you would benefit from bespoke orthotics and we are proud to offer state of the art Footscan technology which links directly to Phits, the worlds first 3D printed manufacturer.


As a special, introductory offer, we will supply you with your own Phits 3D printed orthotics for just £250. That’s a £50 saving!


Our Footscan software can show you the benefits of the orthotics on the screen, so that you will have a clear understanding of exactly how they will help you.


Phits are the preferred orthotics for many elite athletes and have been worn by every female winner of the London Marathon for the last 10 years. So you know you will be getting the best.


If you are wanting to prepare for a specific goal, then we can help:


  • whether it be joining the local park run or climbing Kilamanjaro
  • or you keep getting held back by the same recurring injury
  • or want to be coached in readiness for an upcoming marathon
  • or if you are an experienced runner wanting to improve your efficiency

Or call 01889 881488 we can help

Right now the country is in turbulent waters and we need to make sure we have a strong arm on our rudder, to make sure we reach calmer waters for the long run.


Most people realise that the country is going through some turbulent times and many businesses have had to downsize or in worst cases cease trading. The last four months of 2023 was a particularly testing period, but the good news is that the new year has started with much more confidence and we, along with many other businesses are seeing signs of better times.


Whilst the trend may be upwards and improving, the fact is that the UK is not yet out of hot water and it would be equivalent to a head in the sand approach to assume only rosy times ahead.


At Nicky Snazell Clinic we have built a very good team, the best we have ever had. We continue to invest heavily in both in their continuous training and in the up to date technology support available to them. Our confidence in the team has allowed us the opportunity to redistribute our efforts so that when the next downturn comes, we are in a much more robust position to deal with it.


To achieve this, it is vital that we place more effort on working on the business rather than in the business, otherwise we will be like a rudderless ship in stormy waters. This has required us to take the decision to reduce Nicky’s hours treating clients, so that she can work alongside Alan to bolster our marketing and management efforts. Our aim is to make significant changes for the better. Creating positive change, while maintaining existing practices, demands extraordinary effort and we approach this task with total confidence and commitment to success.


The change in Nicky’s treatment hours will be complete by the week starting 11th March, when she will be treating clients on Mondays and Wednesdays only. This will inevitably increase the waiting time to see Nicky, but the good news is that she has a great team, in which she, and David, have already and continue to spend many hours training every week. Should the waiting time be longer than you can cope with to see Nicky, now is the time to consider discussing with Nicky who would be the ideal backup. Remember, of course, that Nicky’s team have had the opportunity to work alongside Nicky and David. and have had intensive training from Nicky and David, an opportunity which will continue into the future. Other clinics simply don’t have this unique advantage. 


For those of you who are Wellness or Maintenance clients, these changes will make little difference, as you have the distinct advantage of booking well ahead. For those who are not on a preventative option, remember that prevention is always better than cure, so maybe now is the time to move up to a more proactive approach to your health.


We ask for your understanding in these turbulent times. The reality is that this change, while perhaps causing some short term pain, will in the long run prove to be a massive benefit to you in terms of access to treatment capability that you will find very difficult to get elsewhere.


Ultimately, our goal is to provide the best treatment possible in the most welcoming and friendly environment, so that you feel safe and confident from the first day you walk through our door.  Our team are more than capable of providing exactly that and this change will ensure that this will continue well into the future.


Warm wishes 


Nicky & Alan

At some point in the not too distant future, some of the clients sitting in the waiting room with you might be paying half as much as you are for their treatment and every other treatment they have.


And it won’t have cost them a penny!


Their Secret

They will be some of our clinics referral Ambassadors. There are no secret handshakes to become an Ambassador. In fact, entry is very simple. To become an Ambassador all you have to do is refer 3 new clients within 6 months.  That’s it!


What does that mean for you? If you came for treatment every month for a year, the saving to you would be a colossal 5 times more than not being an Ambassador!


If you are interested in learning more on how to get these massive savings, then read on.


Membership will last until the end of the same month the following year. For example, if you were to become an Ambassador in June 2024, your Ambassador membership would last until the end of June 2025. To extend your membership for another year, it gets even easier, because all you have to do is refer 3 more clients in the current year.


If you like the idea of levelling up the playing field, we can help you as we have great referral cards that not only entitle you to a £20 discount on your treatment, but also allows you to gift £20 to the person who you are referring. 

This means you will get £60 in discount vouchers for your first 3 referrals and this will also automatically enrol you in the Ambassadors Club. Once a member, you will get half price treatment for the next 12 months.  And that’s a much bigger saving than you think it is!

Right now , we will give you a whopping £20 discount voucher for every referral you make. If you make 3 referrals that means you will get £60 in discount vouchers.

But if you refer 3 in 6 months and automatically become an Ambassador, and then come for treatment every month for the next year, you could save on average nearly £300, that’s 5 times the saving over not being an Ambassador.


Once you become an Ambassador and you get the benefit of half price treatment for the next year, you are not going to want to give up such a fantastic offer, and we have made keeping your Ambassador membership even easier. Instead of needing 3 referrals in 6 months to join, we are going to allow you 12 months to refer just 3 more to continue your membership for another year.


Let’s explain again to make this clear:

  1. Refer 3 new clients in a 6 month period to become an Ambassador.
  2. As an Ambassador, you will be entitled to half price treatment for the next year
  3. Refer 3 more in your first year of being an Ambassador and you will remain an Ambassador for a second year.
  4. Keep on referring 3 new clients every year of membership to extend your membership by another year.


If You Are In Pain We Can Help

Half Price Helps Even More!

Call 01889 881488

TERMS - Once you become an Ambassador, you will retain the gift offer to the person you are referring, but you personally will get the 50% Ambassador discount instead of the £20 referral discount. Referred clients need to attend their assessment plus two follow ups to qualify. Maximum treatments per year for Ambassador half price offer is 24. Terms and conditions apply. Management reserves the right to cancel or modify the offers without notice.

My next book is going to be very important to me. It will probably be my last and it is thus tremendously important to me that I write a book as good as it can be, clearly communicating my message not only to the public, but also those in my profession, whatever their age. I’ve realised that I have a much better chance of achieving this goal, if I recruit the help of my target audience, by getting them on board right at the beginning.

If you think you would like to help, then read on


After writing five books, I’ve recognised for many years that I’ve never truly expressed the purpose of my life’s work. One significant reason is that I’ve always been treated as being a bit unconventional, a bit weird even, and I was fearful that if I opened up completely, I would be exorcised from my profession. In my younger days, my professional body  dictated very strict guidelines and most certainly would not have approved of my drive to seek treatment solutions way beyond their boundaries.

In the past I’ve been too scared to lift my head even further above the parapet in fear of being struck off. Yet at the same time, I’m proud that I’ve had the strength to not take the easy path by following the crowd. It was, after all, an experience as a young child where I witnessed the failure of Western medicine to prevent my mother from suffering years of excruciating back pain, which acted as the catalyst to send me on an alternative path. I reasoned at the time that if our Western medicine could not help, then it was only logical to look elsewhere, outside the box.

As I approach the twilight years of my working career, my fear of speaking more openly has subsided, as I really have very little to lose. Much more importantly, there will be others, much younger than I, thirsty to learn, just like I once was, and it would be a terrible waste to never transfer the knowledge and understanding I have worked so hard to learn.

It is thus tremendously important to me that I write a book as good as it can be, clearly communicating my message not only to the public, but also those in my profession, whatever their age. I have realised that I have a much better chance of achieving this goal if I recruit the help of my target audience by getting them on board right at the beginning.

What is my book about?

I have learnt that the ability to heal successfully requires so much more than just physical treatment. Oh so often patients have no understanding of why they suffer ongoing pain, both physical and emotional and nothing seems to help. Most carry emotions and memories buried deep within which bubble up throughout life, the very source of their chronic pain.

From my life’s studies, I have learnt how to use a healing presence, which is so much more than any one particular technique, to overcome those pain antagonists buried within.

I will take you on a journey, via a series of interconnected stories, each based on true patient interactions, and which together slowly uncover how I treat suffering souls.


I have an understanding where I want you to reach and the journey itself needs to be one of providing knowledge and understanding in an enjoyable way. If I can achieve that, then I believe my message is much more likely to be successfully communicated. In my own work I have experienced countless examples of achieving far better outcomes with a combination of conventional treatment and a healing presence. My hope is that this book will allow many others to provide and receive the same benefits.

Your Part

As I release parts of my book, still in draft form, to ‘Nicky’s Book Group’ in Facebook, I hope it will encourage constructive feedback from you, with suggestions on how to improve it, making the message clearer and a more enjoyable read.

If you feel that this is something that you would like to be involved with and to actively contribute, then I would be delighted to welcome you.


Please connect to my clinic's Facebook page with this link:


and request membership to join ‘Nicky’s Book Group’

Thank you for reading this, and I hope to welcome you to my book group soon.


Warm wishes


Nicky Snazell

We have long known that we have both a fight or flight system to deal with danger and an opposing system which calms us and relaxes us when not in danger, called the sympathetic and parasympathetic systems respectively.

However, we have now learnt there is a third system of response to our environment, buried deeply in our ancient heritage. This system switches on when we believe we cannot overcome the danger in front of us. It shuts us down, immobilises our body and prevents meaningful communication. It can be triggered by something happening at that moment, or by a resurfacing memory of a traumatic event earlier in life, possibly all the way back to childhood.

For the therapist this immobilisation means effective communication with the patient is all but halted and it is vital that initially a softer, slower approach is adopted before considering more conventional western medical techniques.

I call this the softer arts of medicine.

Click here to learn more.

Our ancient medical healers worked artistically on an energy system of healing. This included such skills as acupuncture, acupressure, body work like myofascial release, massage, reflexology, shamanic reiki and shiatzu. I like to describe this way of clinical practice as using the softer arts of medicine, where we silently and truly listen to the patient and treat through the body, heart and mind. This approach recognises that the mind receives information about how we feel through the body and through our heart. Equally, when we are experiencing strong emotions, we send messages from the mind, back to the heart and body.

In terms of modern Physiology there are three systems of physical response to our environment.

There is a system that enables our body to respond to a fearful predator, a dangerous situation. Which means,that we need to mobilise all muscles and move out of the way of that danger. Hence, we need to breathe more deeply, and we need to give more blood to those limbs that need to power us out of the way of danger. This excitatory, firing up process is the sympathetic system,our fight or flight. It physically activates a system of ancient behaviours that enable us to escape danger.
The opposing system to that is the relaxing, soothing,healing, digesting, parasympathetic system.
Then there is this third, very ancient primitive part of the vagal tree nerve, which  switches on when we believe wecannot overcome the danger in front of us. We shut down, we feel paralysed, we cannot move, cannotfunction.

In other species that often saves lives. For example, if a small rabbit is in the jaws of a large cat and the cat believes the rabbit is dead, instinct tells the predator to drop the dead meat. When the predator disappears, the little rabbit can shake and get up and get out of danger.

When a patient has been traumatised in the past, there arestrong emotions that can be triggered by a therapist’s touch, or even just tone of voice, simply by memory association. Whenthat inner child within us feels fear, like sitting in front of a doctor, therapist or surgeon, we can feel so powerless that our ancient, third system can kick in. We shut down, no longer able to listen or remember anything being said.

What may appear to be a straightforward sports injury or back strain can never be further from the truth

When dealing with those who have been through trauma as a child, a war, or perhaps have witnessed a terrible accident, the softer arts are so useful in gently enabling the person to feel safe. A journey with the softer therapy arts can get us ready for western approaches of stronger physiotherapy exercises,surgical intervention, or stronger medical drugs. That is, once the mind feels safe and can feel well enough to cope.

Hence, this softer approach and the knowledge of treating energy centres called acupuncture points or chakras, accesses a powerful mind-body connection for a better outcome. It is awonderful way of opening the door into people's minds to gently allow them to process emotions and past trauma. An experienced therapist will make the patient feel safe, allowingold traumas and memories, locked away long ago in the body to resurface.

So often, what may appear to be a straightforward sports injury or back strain can never be further from the truth, as it is interwoven with a whole library of emotional baggage. It can be more like an archaeological dig.

Here in the West, we can be very arrogant in our thinking to believe these amazingly simple old ways of healing have no foot hold in science and thus no right to sit within the fraternity of medicine. Thanks, however, to recent clever live functional microscopic scanning techniques of the brain andbody, and especially the previously unseen fascia [the bodies bubble wrap], we have clear scientific evidence which justifies a meaningful relationship.  These new discoveries have enabled us to discover that there is a strong correlation between the chakras, the positions of these energy centres in our body and the organs that they are associated with and the nerves that run through the areas.

All just as described by ancient healers.

In a future article I will delve deeper, wearing western scientific glasses, into what we believe these energy centres could be.

If you feel you have a condition which is not improving and this might in part be because of memorised trauma, then call us. We can help.

Call Now 01889 881488 Jean, Erica & Charlotte will be happy to help.

Wellness is an active process through which people pursue healthier habits. The benefits for you? A much more active, vibrant and healthy life. Quite a lot then!

If you like the sound of this, read on…….


I embarked on a search, nearly 35 years ago, for ways to get better long-lasting, pain-relieving results from treatment after witnessing first hand in my own family the inability of our western medicine to heal pain.  By definition, if western medicine wasn’t successful enough, I had to look beyond our own medicinal doctrine. This took me on a journey which opened my eyes to knowledge which I could see had real benefits to those in constant pain or suffering with illnesses which could be largely avoided.

Inevitably my communications on alternative ways to treat conditions was met with a mixture of disbelief or derision, quite understandable, as it did not fit with the belief systems of that time. The latter was very much based on the individual being a passive player in their own health with the responsibility left to the medical expert with an adequate supply of pills and the occasional bit of surgery.  

Preparing yourself to be in a safer position to survive an NHS waiting list or the next pandemic is a wise choice.

Not deterred, I wrote my first book, ‘The 4 Keys To Health’, in which I presented an approach where the individual was enjoying being actively engaged, for life, in following a regular drumbeat of healthy habits. This I summarised as a Wellness approach. Unfortunately, ‘Wellness’ was at that time still a term commonly filed in the quackery bin and my books gathered dust, mostly unread.

The message contained, however, was as valid then as it is today. The benefits which could be derived by following a Wellness approach are still just as relevant today, if not more so. With the NHS on its knees, there has never been a more momentous need for a good immune system, particularly should another pandemic arrive.


The good news is that Wellness is now a term firmly embedded in our culture, evidenced in the explosion of wellness clinics and the ever-increasing number of TV programs now introducing the very same topics I learnt about and enthused over 10 to 30 years ago.


Perhaps though, if I may suggest, the benefits are even larger now, as our nation’s health and that of our children, is not going in the right direction. Yes, life expectancy is increasing, but healthy life expectancy is not keeping pace, so the expectation is that a larger proportion of our lives will be lived in ill health, a slow painful experience due to lack of healthy habits and a dangerously lazy need to pursue comfort.

Who, in their right mind, would want this?  Well nobody of course, but here comes the Achilles heel.

You must take responsibility for your own health and teach your children to do the same. Accept that your health is your responsibility and nobody else’s.

Not deterred, I wrote my first book, ‘The 4 Keys To Health’, in which I presented an approach where the individual was enjoying being actively engaged, for life, in following a regular drumbeat of healthy habits. This I summarised as a Wellness approach. Unfortunately, ‘Wellness’ was at that time still a term commonly filed in the quackery bin and my books gathered dust, mostly unread.

The message contained, however, was as valid then as it is today. The benefits which could be derived by following a Wellness approach are still just as relevant today, if not more so. With the NHS on its knees, there has never been a more momentous need for a good immune system, particularly should another pandemic arrive.


The good news is that Wellness is now a term firmly embedded in our culture, evidenced in the explosion of wellness clinics and the ever-increasing number of TV programs now introducing the very same topics I learnt about and enthused over 10 to 30 years ago.


Perhaps though, if I may suggest, the benefits are even larger now, as our nation’s health and that of our children, is not going in the right direction. Yes, life expectancy is increasing, but healthy life expectancy is not keeping pace, so the expectation is that a larger proportion of our lives will be lived in ill health, a slow painful experience due to lack of healthy habits and a dangerously lazy need to pursue comfort.

Who, in their right mind, would want this?  Well nobody of course, but here comes the Achilles heel.

If you would like help on how to improve your health, then call now. We can help Call Now 01889 881488 Jean, Erica & Charlotte will be happy to help.